Seal or Clear Your MA Criminal Record, But Don’t Stop There!
As many as 1 in 3 adults in the US have a criminal record, experiencing stigma and disadvantage as a result
With a criminal record, ordinary essentials such as finding a well-paying job, renting safe and affordable housing, getting a student loan, or purchasing a decent car can be all but impossible. The good news is that Massachusetts laws have been changed to allow many more people to seal or clear their records easily.
Sealing is possible if
- It has been 3 years since the last misdemeanor charge or conviction; OR
- 7 years since the last felony charge or conviction.
- For certain non-convictions, you can potentially seal in court without a wait period.
Clearing/Expungement is possible for a number of reasons, including if the crime you were charged with is no longer a crime (such as possession of small amounts of cannabis).
Community Resource Fairs for Returning Citizens
The Safety Net Project of Harvard Law School’s Legal Services Center is pleased to partner with the Boston Public Library Workforce Development team to present a series of in-person and virtual Community Resource Fairs for returning citizens or anyone who has an interaction with law enforcement leading to a criminal record to share information not just about sealing or clearing (expunging) a criminal record in Massachusetts, but also to connect with organizations providing empowerment and support in moving on. At each event, representatives from partner organizations will be providing free information about educational, training and employment opportunities, dealing with debt, helping with tax returns and other financial planning, and of course consultations about and assistance with sealing or expunging your criminal record. Register by clicking on the date below that works for you.
Wednesdays from 10 am – 12 pm
April 5th: Grove Hall Branch of the Boston Public Library
July 12th: Roxbury Branch of the Boston Public Library
October 4th: Mattapan Branch of the Boston Public Library
10:00 am – 10:30 am: Welcome and Introductions (In-Person & on Zoom)
- Welcome by BPL and Harvard Legal Services Safety Net Project
- Introductions and Overview of Services from Partner Organizations
10:30 am – 11:00 am: Massachusetts Criminal Record (CORI) Sealing and Expungement Information session (In-Person & on Zoom)
- Presented by the Safety Net Project of Harvard Legal Services Center
- After the presentation, staff will be available for free, private, one-on-one consultations and assistance
11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Community Connections (Hybrid Options Available)
- Patrons can meet with and learn more about the community partner organizations’ resources and services.
- Patrons can sign up to receive more information and/or for services.
- Partners may vary by date :
- Educational Partners
- Training and Work Force Development Partners
- Tax Assistance
- Debt and Financial Planning Partners
Light Refreshments available for in-person attendees
Click on any of the dates above to register for that event – choose as many as you like, and feel free to attend by Zoom or come in person (no need to register if you are coming in person – just show up!).
These sessions will be presented live at the designated Boston Public Library Branch listed, and also presented on Zoom. Registrants may phone in using the Zoom link if preferred.
Questions? Email [email protected] or [email protected]