Veterans Law Unit

Vet Clinic BrochureHow We Help

The Veterans Law Unit represents veterans and their family members when they cannot afford an attorney; we strive to help veterans and their families attain the maximum degree of stability and financial well being. We also provide legal education trainings to community groups and service providers on topics relevant to veterans. If you are interested in receiving or hosting a training, please contact us at [email protected]

For more information, view our Veterans Legal Clinic Brochure.

  • Federal Veterans’ Benefit Cases – Appeals at all levels in Federal Veterans’ Benefit cases (including Service-Connected Disability Compensation Benefits, VA Pension, Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Benefits)
  • Massachusetts Veterans’ Services Benefits cases (Chapter 115 cases) – Appeals at all levels
  • Access to VA Healthcare and other healthcare resources
  • Discharge Upgrades and Correction of Military Records
  • Estate Planning– including wills, health care proxies, funeral planning directives, living wills/medical directives, special needs trusts, and VA Fiduciary appointments


Service Area: We primarily represent clients who live in Greater Boston. When unique or particularly important legal issues are at stake, we will also consider cases from outside our primary geographic service area and cases involving the representation of organizational clients.

Financial Eligibility: Our focus is on helping veterans and family members who otherwise do not have access to attorney representation. We therefore screen clients for financial eligibility and consider a variety of factors, including the client’s income, assets, and expenses, and the potential availability of alternative representation.

Our decision to accept a case for representation depends on a number of factors, including the legal merits of the case, the client’s financial circumstances, and our available resources.               

Apply for Assistance

Prospective clients can apply for representation from the Veterans Law Unit by calling (617) 390-2525 during regular business hours. You will receive an appointment for the next available intake slot. You can find information about our hours and how to find our office on the Contact & Directions page of our website

Our Team

  • Daniel Nagin, Clinical Professor of Law; Faculty Director, Legal Services Center; Faculty Director, Veterans Legal Clinic 
  • Destini Agüero, Deputy Director, Legal Services Center; Clinical Instructor and Director, Estate Planning Project
  • Margaret KuzmaDirector, Veterans Justice Pro Bono Partnership
  • Lisa Musto, Paralegal and Pro Bono Coordinator
  • Dana Montalto, Attorney and Senior Clinical Instructor
  • Jack Regan, Senior Fellow
  • Aliyah McLaurin, DAV Charitable Service Trust Fellow, Estate Planning Project
  • Peter Perkowski, Attorney

DAV Logo for Website

We are grateful to the DAV Charitable Service Trust for its generous support of our legal services program for disabled veterans.

This program is made possible in part by funding from the Bob Woodruff Foundation, which is dedicated to ensuring that our nation’s veterans, service members, and their families — those who stood for us — have stable and successful futures. 

Resources for Veterans

The Veterans Law Unit is the primary vehicle through which LSC serves the legal needs of veterans. Four other LSC projects focus either exclusively or substantially on representing veterans. These are:

Self-Help Guides

Other Resources

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